Many people know about cervical osteonecrosis. Standing for a long time in a static position, keeping your head down when working at a computer, "sitting" in front of the TV for many hours are factors that contribute to the formation and development of the disease. A patient facing this disease poses a question: how to cure genital warts? The article is devoted to the answer to the question.
Stages of disease development
The disease develops in stages:
- Grade 1 cervical fibroids are characterized by damage to cartilage tissue, patients feel muscle discomfort, slight discomfort. Symptoms are eliminated, few people go to the doctor at this stage;
- Grade 2 cervical spondylosis leads to the destruction of the fibrous ring, the reduction of the distance between the compressed vertebrae, the appearance of painful symptoms;
- Grade 3 cervical spondylosis is manifested in the continuous destruction of vertebrae, changes in body shape, bone proliferation, and herniated discs can change. The patient feels difficulty and pain when trying to turn the neck to the side.

In the early stages of development, osteonecrosis is asymptomatic. After a long period of bowing or intense physical exertion, a slight discomfort develops in the back of the neck. Patients are not in a hurry to see a doctor, mistaking them for the result of excessive muscle tension. The disease progresses slowly but persistently.
The main signs of the disease:
- painful sensations in the problem area - "low back pain" is given to the hands, shoulder blades;
- overactivity of the cervical muscles;
- numbness of the tongue - felt when eating, drinking, talking;
- paralysis of the muscles of the arms and legs, accompanied by any activity
As the discs and vertebrae become deformed, the patient's condition worsens.
The process of bone degeneration is complicated by neurological symptoms due to compression by osteoblasts or cranial projections of spinal roots, vertebral arteries. Occurrence of headache, dizziness, drop in blood pressure, loss of vision and hearing.
Treatment of cervical osteonecrosis requires an integrated approach. In the early stages of the development of the disease, drug therapy is not used. Sufficient preventive procedures:
- Organize a healthy lifestyle;
- Proper nutrition (abstain from spicy, fatty, high-calorie foods);
- Gymnastics (exercise in the morning 10-15 minutes will improve fitness);
- Quit lifting weights - load on the spine;
- Fight bad habits;
- Sleep in the correct position (orthopedic mattress will help), when working with the computer;
- Observe your gait.
The use of drugs
With age, bone resorption progresses. Treatment is aimed at combating the pathological nature. It is valuable for pain relief (anesthesia), reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process and increases metabolism in the cervical region.
Groups of drugs used:
- vitamin complex;
- chondroprotective agents;
- analgesic;
- muscle relaxants (medicines intended to reduce muscle spasms).
Doctors often prescribe medications that contain aspirin. Such remedies relieve pain, fever and combat minor discomfort.
The treatment includes sedative pills.
A doctor who is developing a complex to combat this disease will cure cervical osteochondrosis with the help of drugs.

Blockade is a procedure that represents the introduction of a drug into an area affected by an advanced pathological process.
Only a physician with a higher qualification should perform this action. Injections reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process, relieve pain.
In the treatment of osteonecrosis, two types of injections are applied.
In the first case, the active substance is injected in the direction of the nerve branches into the spinal cord, in the second - into the recurrent branch of the spinal nerve.
The final blockade had a more complicated action, a technique of execution.
An option for the treatment of osteonecrosis with the help of drugs is the use of creams, ointments, gels - means for external treatment of painful areas.
This therapy is used in the early stages of osteonecrosis. Advantage:
- use ointments that cost less than magnetic therapy, acupuncture;
- convenient, affordable means of external use;
- there are no contraindications to use;
- you can use the fund for a long time, since allergic reactions to the components are excluded.
Ointments used to treat osteonecrosis:
- anti-inflammatory, contains analgesic components;
- complex creams;
- irritating ointment - enhances local blood circulation;
- chondroprotectors, restore cartilage tissue;
- homeopathic products, containing natural plant extracts;
- massage mixture (in the composition - mummy, herbal ingredients, bee venom).
Treatment of osteonecrosis without drugs
The method of therapy is selected by the doctor based on the analysis of the stage of the disease. In the early stages, the patient is advised to sleep on a hard surface. If the nerve is pinched, the cervical vertebrae are pulled outward with a Glisson ring. As a result, the muscles and ligaments of the disc area are stretched. The distance between the vertebrae increases, the nerves and blood vessels are released. You can stretch your spine yourself with manual therapy. The results are given by magnetic therapy, ultrasound.
An important position in the system of therapeutic measures against osteonecrosis is exercise - sports, swimming.
Exercise should be exercised for patients in remission who are healthy as a preventive measure. The intensity of the load is gradually increased. To start, do the exercises at half strength so you don't overload your spine.
Therapy for cervical osteonecrosis is dangerous at first - in the fight for health, you can harm your body. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor who has performed a thorough examination of the patient.
Correct body position
Most of the symptoms of osteonecrosis are caused by if the neck is lying in the wrong position, nerve endings, blood vessels are compressed, local blood circulation is disturbed, forming "stagnation zones". In this regard, doctors recommend constantly monitoring the anatomical correctness of postures, gait, posture.
Keep your back and neck straight throughout the day. If the job has a sedentary nature, it is necessary to pay attention to the height of the chair and table. It should be exactly the same so that the person is sitting up straight, without bending over, without excessive muscle movement.
For sleep you will need a special bed, orthopedic latex mattress. Make sure the knee is at the correct height (measured by the distance from the neck to the shoulder joint). This position helps to relax the cervical muscles during sleep, providing a healing effect.
Cervical osteosarcoma is a disease that requires an integrated approach to organize therapeutic and prophylactic measures to combat it. It is worth warning that do not arbitrarily use drugs leading to irreversible bad consequences for health. Competent medical assistance will cure the disease.